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4DAlert’s innovative metadata search engine helps users synthesize an organization’s data assets.


When it comes to understanding and leveraging data and its accuracy, it does take a village. As organizations shift towards becoming data-centric and look for ways to increase the value of their metadata beyond just structural information, 4DAlert helps organizations centralize metadata in one location, provide a full view of your organization’s data across databases, and contains information about each specific data point’s location.

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Democratization of reports and data drives higher-end user collaboration and adoption of reports

When it comes to understanding and leveraging data, reports, and their accuracy, it does take a village. 4DAlert’s social functionality built in the data catalog, enables report owners to continue to enhance the availability and quality of data, and see which parties have used particular reports and for which purposes.

Increasingly, business users would depend on feedback from other users on the accuracy and usage of data. 4DAlert data catalog enables the enterprise-wide sharing of usage of the reports and collaboration on the construction of the Data catalog.

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Centralize data catalog provides easy access to governed and trusted data

As organizations shift towards becoming data-centric and look for ways to increase the value of their metadata beyond just structural information, 4DAlert helps them structure the metadata in the most user-friendly and intuitive structure, helping end-users get greater visibility into calculations, source of data in the report, and transformations applied as data moved from source target and finally included in reports.

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