Reconcile data between source and analytics database after every data load
Measures how well a dataset meets criteria for accuracy, completeness, validity, consistency, uniqueness, timeliness, and fitness for purpose
Ability to understand, diagnose, and manage data health across multiple IT tools throughout the data lifecycle
An organized inventory of data assets in the organization
Practice in which incremental code changes are made frequently and reliably
Compare two database definitions and apply the differences from the source to the target
Collaborative data management practice
Flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a system.
Why Choose Us
4DAlert has pre-built APIs that connect to most source systems against which you reconcile data in your Analytics platform.
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Connection available for multiple Source Systems built using diverse Technologies which Include SAP, S/4, HANA, Oracle, and Big Data.
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Be it a data doubling issue or partial data load issue, 4DAlert detects anomalies and sends proactive communication before your users notice the issue.
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An intuitive user interface provides data lineage from reports to the origin of information, helping users spot the inherent connections of data flows and thus providing greater transparency.
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Cloud integration allows you to have fast and reliable data synchronization.
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One place for all reports with the ability for end-users to search metadata, find an overview, training materials, and FAQs for reports, thus increasing user adaption and maximizing operational efficiency.
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4DAlert delivers powerful insights through a set of simplified user interfaces and tree-structured views of data structure and source. It helps you to analyze where data came from and what are the reports that consume the data and what calculations they use.
4DAlert provides a wizard that allows end-users to create criteria for reconciliation, tolerance for each rule, and owners who would be notified when data reconciliation goes beyond a certain threshold.
4DAlert provides a searchable metadata repository for data and reports within your organization. Users can use key data elements and KPIs to search meta databases and quickly identify the reports that provide the right information.
To take a trivial example, which
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As a growing company, we found in 4dalert’ expertise in data science invaluable. In almost two years of cooperation, they’ve helped us.
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